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Selfish Bitches

Yesterday, I went to submit my Public Administration assignment. But good Mr. Abdillah asked me to elaborate the 'rather short' report.

By elaborate, he meant from my 12 pages report to 30 pages. Gasp.

So, I redo it and sent it today. Amen.

En route back, there were this two goody-looking Malay bitches walking in my direction.

Though the pathway was narrow, they didn't make any attempt to budge a bit to make room for me. Instead they continued to walk side by side, like I wasn't even there.

I on the other hand have to balance myself from being thrown into the longkang.

How can they have the audacity to be that stupid? And selfish?

Listen bitches. Lesson #1: When you're walking on a narrow way with anyone, PLEASE DON'T WALK SIDE BY SIDE! Give some love to people walking in your direction.


topo said…
tu namanya..tektik lama org nak ngorat.. lain kali u just walk toward them.. mesti bertempiaran lari..