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Before 30!

Do you want to know what it tastes like to be in your final year of the ’20-29 years’ box, before moving into a new box next year? It tastes like Lahmacun pizza, Karisik Izgara mix grill and Coban Salata salad.

At least that was in our case.

All ten of us gathered on one Sunday noon for lunch cum birthday celebration at Bosphorus, Pavilion to honor and celebrate Ayi’s 29th birthday. The lunch courses of the day were of Turkish cuisine and guests happily obliged to the ‘Sunday Chic’ dress code (which I playfully put, hehe).

Bought the cake 5 minutes before the lunch. Quickie.

Birthday boy, or should I say, man.

The sexiest I could ever get while waiting for others.

Fifi and Nadrah

Sakina and Hana

Fa and the comel Firah

"BlackBerry kami calar-balar," kata Firah dan Kye.

Only after 3 courses, Megat shown his face and Fa was clearly ready for a nap.

Happy 29th birthday, Mr Khairi!

Much thanks to Hana and Nadrah, Firah, Fifi, Fa, Sakina, Faris and Megati for taking time off their daily schedule to sit down with us for a couple of hours, especially to Sakina and Faris who both have papers on the very next day.

Then, Ayi, Megat and I happily tagged along Fa and Firah as the latter splurged 700 bucks on a new Bimba & Lola bag. That was my first pilgrimage to Bimba & Lola! Do bring me again, Firah!


kikikakakiko said…
aww thank u kye!! hehe, dah tua dah tapi semangat 20an masih membara!!