Yesterday, as I was waiting for the train back home after a long day at work, I noticed a group of four to five young lads standing merely 10 meters away from me. Inferencing from my personal experience, I assumed these guys participated in the debating tournament currently held in PWTC based on the way they carried themselves. These guys were wearing their complete debating attire - shirt, blazer, neck tie, holding files, saddling backpack and complete with a ballpen (not fountain) in their pocket. I mean, who would wear neck ties with blazers while waiting for the train at 5.30pm in a crowded train station? Obviously these guys did. Just looking at them made me sweat even more profusely. Then I quickly gathered all of my previous observations about debaters that make them stand out in a crowd - but not in a good way. They have this air around them with 'better-than-thou' attitude which makes you love to hate them. They are posers, self-centered and cocky bitches who, in real ...
One man's delirium revisited