About two weeks back, I got a chance to finally see these two incredible movies based on true stories. Being a real-life movie junkie, I was thrilled to watch it and even more so after I had done both of them. Just don't ask me how I managed to get hold of them okay *wink*. Hint: Technology. I started off with Julie & Julia , a movie about a woman named Julie Powell (played by the incredibly talented Amy Adams) who started a blog back in 2002 with a very specific mission - she wanted to try each and every single 524 recipe in the famous cooking book of American cooking legend, Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep) in 365 days a.k.a a year. She was not a stay-at-home wife. She has a full time day job in the civil service, helping those affected in the 9/11 attacks regarding their insurance claims. Yes, she's a wife and has a cat. Yet, she wanted to do something more. She wanted to prove to people that she was more than just a poor 30-year-old woman, sitting in a cubicle handl...
One man's delirium revisited